Our desire for you is that you will find what you’re looking for and discover how special and truly amazing Jesus is!

“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.”
1 Thessalonians 5:11, NIV
Find us at 288 Ocean Dr, Lakewood NSW 2443
Divine Service
9:30am to 10:45am . Come and praise our Creator this week through song, prayer and an uplifting message in a personal and very real way.
Small Groups
From 11:00am to around midday for small groups of all ages. Children learn with songs, crafts, quizzes, games and Bible stories. Adults learn from sharing and the lesson study.
If you would like a lesson study provided just advise one of the members and this can be organised for you.
Reaching Up
We love and worship our God who first loved us 1 John 4:19. He is the creator of all things Colossians 1:16 and calls us as His children.
We worship Jesus our saviour from lawlessness and trouble Matthew 14:30.
We worship the Holy Sprit as Helper, Comforter, Advocate, Intecessor, Counsellor and Guide as He strengthens and brings to memory the things of God for us John 14:26.
Reaching Out
Spiritual – Social – Physical
We’re not perfect, but we love our bretheren and we love our community.
We care about you – now and in eternity.
Just as Jesus came to seek and save the lost Luke 19:10 so we are commissioned to go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation Mark 16:15-16
We are alive doing this through evangelism, mission and service work, health and wellbeing training.
About Us
Camden Haven Seventh-day Adventist Church is a Christian congregation located on the beautiful mid-north coast of New South Wales, with a strong desire to connect with God and connect with our community.
Find us at 288 Ocean Dr, Lakewood NSW 2443
Join us for Saturday worship 9:30am, Sabbath School 1:00am or often a meal around 1:00pm. Find out about our health and wellbeing programmes for body and mind.
Latest Sermons
- Tombs, Liars and Walking on WaterSebastian Feher
- You Cannot Eat MoneyDavid Price